How to keep your cool in quarantine with kids

It goes without saying that being a mumma is a multi-hat job, and (whilst damn amazing) can be challenging at the best of times. From nurturer, to inspirer, chef, adjudicator, nurse, and now for some, even teacher. You name it, being a mum involves every role and it’s 24/7.
And then in strolls COVID-19, our unwelcome new friend, who in a matter of months has turned life as we knew it upside-down.
By now most of us have experienced one or more rounds of lockdowns - juggling working from home, home schooling, and questioning our sanity. It’s tough. There’s no way around it.
But if you’re at your wits end, and wondering how you are going to make it through the next round of lockdowns, we have collected some tips to help you keep your cool in quarantine.
- Structure & Routine
This seems like an obvious and boring one – but it’s vital. Regardless of age, us humans love routine. Routine can be a real anchor particularly in times of uncertainty, which makes it essential for keeping your cool in lockdown.
Having a predictable sequence of events everyday reduces stress levels, because it reduces the amount of things you need to ‘think’ about. Just as your kids operate on a schedule when they’re in school, make sure you all follow a schedule at home.
Be sure to include time for frequent movement and food breaks to keep them (and you!) alert and happy.

- Create Bonding Experiences
Whilst being cooped up at home can feel limiting, there has arguably never been a greater time to bond as a family.
Don’t let this opportunity go to waste. It could be as simple as a backyard camping night, making a cubby house, or sharing a hot drink at the end of the day.
Whatever it is, block in bonding activities and simple daily rituals for you both to look forward to. Make new memories - life is too short not to.
- Keep Active
One of the biggest downsides to lockdown is that we are becoming less physically active. Thankfully, you don’t need a gym to get your body moving.
Grab some soup cans to use as weights (or whatever you can find in the cupboard), take your kid as an exercise partner and workout at home. Find your favourite workout channel on YouTube, pick a spot in your house and get moving! It’s that simple.
Not only will you feel energised & positive from the endorphin hit, but this is yet another fun bonding experience with your kids.

- Forget perfect!
Whether you are adapting to working from home or homeschooling (or maybe both!), don’t aim for perfection, just aim for ‘Done’.
It’s rather astounding how quickly we have adapted to the new normal, and that deserves a pat on the back.
Maybe your homeschooling lesson didn’t run exactly to plan, or perhaps your kids Zoom-bombed an important team meeting. It’s cool. We are all in this together, and people understand.
If anything, these times have given people more insight and empathy as to what’s going on in colleagues’ and friends’ lives. We need to be patient and kind - to ourselves, our families, colleagues and friends.
It’s an understatement to say that quarantine has been challenging for us all - with so many life changes to contend with. And for those who have been expected to parent and work from home in tandem, the pressure has been next level.
However these simple tips can help you get through quarantine without losing your mind, and achieve some quality family bonding in the process.